HOW CAN WE COLLABORATE? Rather than compete with one another, as often happens in this movement, let's collaborate instead! We can make a bigger and better difference by working alongside each other and supporting each other's unique works. For example, we are developing a workshop to educate and equip pastors and lay leaders to address abortion in the church. You may have something to offer in such a workshop that we at HGI are not equipped to do well. Or we could become ministry partners in some other capacity to promote and/or empower each other to reach more people and accomplish greater works. If you feel you or your organization has something to offer HGI and/or we have something to offer you, we would love to hear from you! Just fill out the form and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Name*FirstLast Organization, Position, and Location* E-mail* Phone* Describe how you'd like to collaborate (please include your website URL if applicable)* reCAPTCHASubmitReset