Memoirs of a Christian Who Chose Abortion
How does a Christian get into a situation in which choosing abortion seems reasonable? How can an abortion effect a person's life over the long haul?
Joni unpacks her story in brutal honesty beginning with her happy childhood in a conservative Christian home, then delves into the uncertainties of unwed pregnancy as a young adult, humiliating judgment from the church, and the darkness of abortion. She peels back the myriad of layers...
The story continues as Joni experiences an awakening of hope and discovers that God's grace is big enough even for her. As the grief over her loss begins to heal, she invites others to join her on a healing journey...Everyone from pastor to lay person can become proactive in healing the wounds and running interference to prevent the future tragedy of abortion in the church...
Kindle Version: $3.99 (Free on Kindle Unlimited!)
Paperback: $6.99
WHY CAN'T WE SAY THE "A" WORD IN CHURCH?: Overcoming Our Dirtiest Secret with Hope and Grace
In this groundbreaking and prophetic book Joni Shepherd raises a call to the Church, and particularly to those in spiritual authority, to break the chains of silence and shame that have bound the victims of one of modern history’s greatest moral catastrophes, abortion...She includes the dramatic personal stories...This is a roadmap for how you, no matter your role in your local church, can truly help your church become the “hospital for sinners” that Jesus meant it to be (Mt. 9:12)
This book contains crucial and compelling information and direction for church leaders (pastors and lay leaders) about The Scenario of abortion and its ensuing trauma in the US and the world, The Dilemma the church faces in talking about abortion, and The Remedy for how to address abortion in the church comprehensively and with compassion.
AVAILABLE ON AMAZON: Paperback - $14.99 Kindle Version - $9.99 (Free on Kindle Unlimited!)
Get EQUIPPED: Redemptively Overcoming Abortion in the Church
This course is deeply informative and highly motivating to make much needed changes in our churches. Many women and their partners have secretly sought abortion because the church did not feel safe or they did not feel they had the resources to give birth and parent a child. This, no doubt, contributes to the fact that the majority of abortions are done on women who identify with the Christian faith. Get EQUIPPED is a necessary course to effectively make the paradigm shift that is drastically needed to overcome abortion in the church and local community. That is where we need to re-strategize and begin fighting the battle from a place of integrity instead of hypocrisy.
Get EQUIPPED deepens our understanding of God's Design, Mankind's Perversion, and The Church's Choice. Will we become proactive and redemptive or remain reactive or silent? Will we respond from godly sorrow that brings repentance and leads to salvation or with worldly sorrow that ends in death? Will we defend or demolish the false arguments?
This book is in conjunction with a video teaching series available soon an online platform.
Student Manual: $15.99 Facilitator Guide: $15.99
Hope and Grace Global is a ministry dedicated to equipping the church to become a safe haven that PROACTIVELY champions Biblical sexuality and life and REDEMPTIVELY heals those wounded by sexual sin or abortion. We believe that the most effective solution to the problem of broken sexuality and abortion in the world cannot be solved solely by politics, legislation, and trying to change how the world behaves. These are heart issues which Scripture addresses clearly, and only the church has the power to overcome them by example and teaching in a safe community. Let's stop outsourcing hope and grace to pregnancy centers and begin better partnering with them to offer truth and love in multiple communities in every city!
Churches can become equipped through a Hope and Grace Partnership with Hope and Grace Global. We provide courses and training that equip pastors and congregations how to talk about these difficult and sensitive subjects confidently. When your church partners with Hope and Grace, you will be able to minister both proactively and redemptively. A church can be a scary place to seek help for an unplanned pregnancy. It can be an even more frightening place to find help for past abortion loss and trauma. Men and women in your church can become commissioned Hope and Grace Advocates so everyone knows who to turn to for help in these situations. Your church, by becoming equipped through our courses and taking specific steps and actions, can become a Certified Safe Church, building a reputation in your local community as a safe place to run in crisis!
We have an extensive list of books, videos, and websites that talk about these sensitive subjects. Since large studies have shown that the majority of abortions are done on women who identify with the Christian faith, the church needs to become increasingly aware that many who have lost children to abortion are sitting in their services each week. If the church is not talking about abortion proactively and redemptively, men and women who have lost children to abortion will remain silent and never find healing and empowerment to share testimonies that hurl down the enemy's attempts to destroy the next generation. Pastors, ministry leaders, and servant leaders need to know what resources are available to educate themselves and provide help to others. Men and women who have lost children to abortion need to know that they are not alone. Young people, their parents, and singles need a safe church community that will support them in choosing life, while discipling them in godly living.