WHO needs sexual healing?
A lot of us, if we’re honest. Unless we live in a hole in the ground, we are barraged with the world’s view on sex multiple times a day with the lie that there are no consequences for sex with anyone at any time. The truth is, we are effected deeply by sex not being in the proper place – child sexual abuse, pornography, fornication, adultery, same sex attraction, gender dysphoria, and more. This can significantly affect sex within marriage, our view of singleness, and cause lifetime shame. An abortion or sexual woundedness, regardless of the origin, can lead to promiscuity, sexual addiction, complete disinterest in sex within marriage, or infidelity.
WHAT is this class about?
To discover God’s heart regarding sex and the lies we believe. Sex was God’s idea, intended to be a blessing with no shame attached. His clear instructions are meant for our protection and freedom. The enemy takes our confusion and woundedness and creates strongholds that cannot be broken without purposeful healing. This Bible study draws us, through the love of God, into His purposes for us, healing shame, and reprogramming our minds to see things His way and know our worth.
WHEN and WHERE is this class?
It is a 10-week class with times and location not made public to protect confidentiality and based on availability and convenience of participants. We have separate classes for men, women, or couples. Go to this confidential form to sign up and learn. The form has a place to ask questions.
WHY does the Church need this?
There is a great amount of shame attached to sexual sin, whether our own or that which was perpetrated upon us. We want our church to be a safe haven where people can come and be real and heal within confidential, healthy community. It’s a journey that happens through discipleship as we apply ourselves to the Word. Basically, if this is your struggle, you are not alone. Secret shame breeds brokenness that further wounds ourselves and others. On the other hand, your courage to heal breeds freedom from shame and courage in others to heal too!