Abundance Conference

GROUP RATE:  as low as $59!

To join other women at the Lifeway Abundance conference for a group rate, please click on the button to buy your ticket(s).  Make sure you enter your email address on the payment form.  Joni Shepherd will be in touch with you to get your ticket(s) to you or arrange to go as a group.  Tickets are all general admission.  Please contact Joni for questions or go to the Lifeway website for more info.  The regular price of tickets is $79.  Group rate for 10+ people is $59. Optional lunch available for $15.  Please add a note or contact Joni if you have special dietary needs.


Please read:  This group rate is arranged as a courtesy through Hope and Grace International, Inc. who will purchase the tickets from Lifeway.com.  If you are paying with your credit/debit card, please choose that option from the dropdown menu as processing fees will cost an additional $2/ticket ($2.50 with lunch).  In the unlikely event we do not have 10+ sign up, you will be given the option of paying the higher rate or having your payment refunded.  If you want to go, but do not have available funds, please contact Joni for possible partial scholarship.

Price per Payment Method